Read: II Corinthians 1:1-11
Think: You do not want to miss out on the first eleven verses of II Corinthians—they are SO encouraging! Paul begins this letter in gratefulness to God for being the source of all comfort. Most importantly, he wants the reader to “connect the dots,” saying, “He [God] comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort that God has given us.” He describes a very practical way to comfort others—through prayer. Praying for someone brings them into God’s presence if they are too weak or too fearful to do so. Prayer pleads—intercedes—on behalf of others by those who have a stronger faith and have seen God work. Prayer shows a person how to take their troubles to the Lord, speaking plainly to God on their behalf.
Act: On August 26—39 years ago—I was in trouble My family lived 1000’s of miles away. I had just appeared in court for driving and drinking. The outcome didn’t look good; my life was crumbling. So I drove to a church looking for help. No one on the church staff was available to meet with me, except the janitor! What were his qualifications for helping me? He, too, was an addict. Only a few months earlier, he had admitted his problems to God and others, and received comfort and rescue. On that day, he was in the right place at the right time to offer God’s comfort to me! First, he told me how powerfully God had changed his life. This gave me hope. Next, the janitor prayed over me and I was filled with peace. After our initial meeting, the janitor checked in with me over the first few hours, the next few days and regularly over the next few months. He was as close as a phone call and a prayer! Today, be alert and ready to pray for anyone who needs God’s comfort. Don’t hesitate to be someone’s janitor today!
Pray: Dear Jesus, bring someone into my path who needs to be comforted, who needs to rescued from trouble. Keep me mindful all day long that you might need me at any moment to comfort someone in the ways you comforted me when I was in trouble. I love You, Lord. Amen.
Be full of faith today!