Viewpoint First Fruits Organizations

Your giving not only supports Viewpoint locally but because of your generous giving we are able to support several of our missionaries local and around the world.  

Empowering Lives International: A ministry to the poor and needy in places like Kenya and the Congo.  Our friend Don Rogers left Southern California 30 years ago to begin a ministry that has changed villages for Christ.    

Trellis International: A local organization in our city that helps the poor and needy,  provides a check in center for those who are homeless, works through school programs as well, provides training for the homeless enabling them to maintain employment.  

Alero Cuku:  Ministry in Uganda where we support a school, teachers, and an administrator, providing education where there just would be none at all.

Samaritan’s Purse: Meeting emergency needs throughout the world and sharing our faith with people who may never have heard the gospel.  We provide Christmas gifts where we share the gospel to children who may never have received a gift at all.   

Harvest India: Our good friend Suresh Kumar heads up amazing ministry in a nation that is less than 3 percent Christian, not only to they share the gospel, but they  operate orphanages for children who would otherwise be on the streets.

First Love Ministries USA.: A ministry providing support to third world countries, helping orphans and the impoverished.   Learn more by clicking HERE

North OC Young Lives: Assisting teen pregnancy, helping couples who desire to keep their children or possibly prepare for adoption.   

Likewise Worship Collective: Ministers to worship leaders throughout the United States, discipling, training, and supporting worship leaders.  

Orange County Rescue Mission: Address the needs of men, women, children and veterans who have come on difficult times in their lives.  Provides job training, placement, food, clothing and shelter.   

Lighthouse Outreach: A local outreach working closely with Lighthouse Church in Costa Mesa ministering to homeless, poor and needy in our immediate area.

FCA, Fellowship of Christian Athletes:   Ministers to high school and college students, coaches and faculty.   

The Voice of Martyrs: International ministry, supporting  people who are being martyred in third world countries.   

EverFree - An organization that helps to free communities from human trafficking and ministers to survivors.