Read: Acts 6:1-15
Think: Stephen was described as “a man full of God’s grace and power, [who] performed amazing miracles and signs among the people.” And yet, he was stoned because of his faith in Jesus. It is common to think that if we put our faith in Jesus, we should be entitled to a painless, perfect life. But as we read the book of Acts, we are given a much different picture! The book of Acts is the account of how Jesus’ earliest followers experienced suffering, persecution, even martyrdom because they believed in Him. In John 16:33, Jesus said, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.” What does this make you think or feel about the Christian life?
Act: Across the world, there are many Christians who are being persecuted and even martyred—much like Stephen. Though we may be removed in distance, we can become powerful, diligent pray-ers on behalf of those across the world who are being persecuted for their faith. Today, consider praying throughout the entire 100 Days of Faith in Action for Christians in a specific country or nation who are being persecuted for believing in the Lord Jesus Christ (China, India, Kenya, etc.).
Pray: Dear Jesus, I humbly pray to You today on behalf of the persecuted church. Please bring rescue and help to children, women, men, pastors, and leaders across the world, who this very day are in danger because they believe in You and proclaim Your name. Keep me mindful and prayerful daily for those who live under persecution for the Gospel. Please grant them mercy, Jesus. Amen.
Be full of faith today!