Immediate Change for Sunday Service July 5th, 2020

What a year so far! I woke up this morning to a notice regarding new guidelines that prohibit us from singing at our church services. In light of all that we have experienced, and with so many guidelines prohibiting us from being closer than 6 feet from each other, plus having to wear masks, and now not being permitted to sing, the Staff and Board feel it would be best to go back to our online format at 10:00am on our website
You can also watch the service anytime afterwards as well.

One thing for sure is this: Wherever you are when you watch the service, you should be able to sing out and worship!!! Nathan and I talked this morning and we are hoping that you will sing out and worship the Lord louder than ever! Let’s raise our voices together from wherever we view the service and let the Lord hear us like never before!!!

I am actually very excited about the series we are starting which will go along with the Daily Bible Readings. The new series that parallels our Daily Reading is called, “Finishing Strong.” With all that is going on in the world today, this could be a very timely message series!

Please stay connected with us through prayer, through our men’s, women’s and Zoom meetings. Also, please respond after the service tomorrow by sending in your prayer requests and connection card. We love you more than you know!
